This article explains how to organize the recertification process. Users with admin roles can choose the period of time when the certificate and the test result will be valid. When that period comes to an end, candidates can retake the test and acquire certificates again.
Recertification process
First, you need to create a new test (find more information on how to do that following this link). When you finish the test wizard, the test is saved as a Draft, and you need to set:
- Test result validity
- Certificate validity
- Enable the Retake option
We will demonstrate the recertification process on the example of a test whose results and certificate will be valid for 20 days. After 20 days, the test will be possible to retake.
Test result validity
When you finish the test wizard:
- Go to the Settings tab.
- Choose the Result validity settings.
- Click on the Enable validity period check box and set the validity for 20 days.
- Click on the Save button to save changes.
Certificate validity
When you set the result validity, the next step is to set the Certificate validity. To do that, go to the Tests tab in the main menu and select the Manage certificates option. Choose the desired certificate.
When you select the certificate you want to set validity to, on the right side of the screen, you will see an option Certificate validity (in days) where you can choose between Unlimited or Limited validity periods. In our example, we want to set the recertification for 20 days, so we will set the certificate validity limit to 20 days.
After saving the changes for the certificate, you have to import it into the desired test following the next steps:
- Hover to the Tests tab in the main menu and select the Manage tests option.
- Choose the test you want to import the certificate in.
- Click on the Settings tab.
- Choose the Certificate option.
- Select the certificate you want to import.
- Click on the Save button to save the changes.
Allow test retaking
- To set this option, click on the Settings tab.
- Choose the Pause/Repeat settings option.
- Mark the Allow test retaking checkbox and set it up to 20 days.
- Click on the Save button to save the changes.
After all the changes are done, we can publish the test.
Note: When creating a testing session, we must ensure that the duration of the testing session will be long enough if we want the candidates to retake the test a few times. For example, if the availability for the test is set for one day and the retake option is set for 20 days, then candidates won’t be able to retake the test.
Candidates perspective:
In order to find the certificate:
- Click on the profile picture to access My profile page
- Navigate to My certificates tab, where the certificate validity can be seen. In the example, the certificate is valid for the next 20 days.
The certificate can only be seen under the condition that the candidate passed the test.
After 20 days, the certificate and the test result will be suspended. The candidate will be able to retake the test, and the entire certification process can be repeated. Candidates can be recertified every 20 days, as long as the testing session is available and the Self-enrollment option is enabled. Otherwise, the test manager will have to assign candidates for each recertification process manually.
For more detailed instructions, please watch the video.
For more useful instructions materials, please check:
- How to create a certificate
- How to define the certificate validity period
- Adding a certificate to the test
- Enabling the test validity option