How to create ordering question

This article will explain the creation process of the ordering question type. 

Adding questions to a Question Pool

  1. To add questions to a question pool, navigate to “Tests/Question pools”.
  2. To add questions to a new question pool, click the “New” button.
  3. In the popup window, add a pool name and save it.
  4. To add questions to an existing question pool, select the pool name from the list of pools.

   Ordering questions by “Define correct/ incorrect”     answer method

  1.  To add an ordering question to a newly created or an existing question pool, select the “Questions” tab.
  2. Click on the “Add questions” button and select the “Ordering” option.
  3. Open the dropdown menu on the “Scoring method” and select the “Defining correct/ incorrect answers” option.
  4. Here, you can define ”points” and “penalty”.

    Ordering questions by “Manual grading” scoring         method

  1. To add an ordering question to a newly created or an existing question pool, select the “Questions” tab.
  2. Click on the “Add question” button and select the “Ordering” option.
  3. Open the dropdown menu on the “Scoring method”, and select the “ Manual grading” option, which means each question should be graded manually by the test manager or instructor after a test is finished.

     When you finish, click on the button “Add to pool”

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