How to configure a test results notification

This article explains how to configure a notification template for test results, i.e., customize the text of both email and in-app notification templates.

To configure the test results’ notification template, navigate to the “System” and then to “Settings and customization”.

Then navigate to the “Notifications” tab, and:

  1. Find test results notification.
  2. Click the “Edit” application notification template.
  3. Click the “Edit” email notification template.

Editing application notification template

In the “Edit application notification template” pop-up window, you can configure test results application notification. To do so:

  1. Select the template language from the drop-down list.
  2. Enter the Notification title – The text entered in this field will be displayed as the notification title in the notification panel.
  3. View the list of all variables – The list of all variables is used for configuring the notification text below.
  4. Enter the notification text – You can modify the notification text and apply styles. The variable ($quizName$) relates to the test name.
  5. Click the “Save” button to save the changes.
  6. Click the “Cancel” button if you want to discard changes.

Editing email template

In the “Edit email template” pop-up window, you can edit the email notification template. To do so:

  1. Select the template language from the drop-down list.
  2. Enter mail subject name – Modify the email template name. This name will be used as a subject in the system emails.
  3. View the list of all variables – the variables used in the “Template preview”.
  4. Edit the “Template preview” – modify the existing email template, apply styles, and formatting. The variables will be replaced with the specific value ($from$ – the sender of the email (YouTestMe), $to$ – the user that receives the email, and $quizName$ – the test name).
  5. Click the “Save” button to save the changes.
  6. Click the “Cancel” button if you want to discard changes.

Enabling notifications sending

To enable automated sending of notification:

  1. Navigate to the “Status” column.
  2. Select the status from the drop-down list (“Enabled” or “Disabled”).

For video instructions on how to configure notifications, you may watch this video.

For more related instructional materials, please visit:

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