How to create a test with sections, make and edit test copies

This article will explain how to create a test with sections, make and edit test copies.

Creating a test with sections

To see how to create a test with sections, please see How to create a test with sections article. 

Note: Create a test with two sections – The demographic section and the Official test. Once you make a copy of the test, you can delete the demographic section from it.

Creating a copy of the test

To make a copy of the test, open the desired test, and click the “Create a copy” option.


Deleting the demographic section from the test

To delete the demographic section, follow the steps:

  1. Open the test copy and click the “Return to Wizard” option.

  2. Click the “Trash can” icon to delete the desired section.
  3. Click “Yes” to confirm deleting.
  4. Click the “Next” button and finish the test creation.

For a video tutorial on how to create a test with sections please watch the video.

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