How to add comments to changes made in a test

This article explains how to add comments to a test. This can be used to note the changes made in tests.

Accessing the page

To access the desired test you would like to add a comment to, do the following:

  1. Click the “Tests” option in the left side menu.
  2. Select “Manage test“.
  3. Select the desired test from the list.


Adding a comment

To add a comment, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the “Comment” tab.
  2. Click the “Create new” button.
  3. Add a comment about the changes made in the test.
  4. Click on the “Confirm” button.



To view all comments created by all users in the system, click on the “All comments” option. To view only the comments inserted by you, select “My comments“.

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