How to schedule a common session

This article will explain how to create, edit and assign proctors in a common session.
It is possible to schedule a common session on the specific location that will be created for all tests in the application.

Creating common session

To create a common session, navigate to the “Test” in the main menu and click on the “Testing locations”.If you want to create a new testing location, please check this article “How to create a new testing location“.

To create a common session:
1. Choose desired testing location.
2. Click on the “Create a common testing session” icon.

The new pop-up window will show up, where you should :

1. Enter the session name.
2. Enter the additional instructions.
3. Enter the start date.
4. Enter the end date.
5. Enter the booking deadline – Define until the candidates can book the test.
6. Enter the cancelation deadline – Define until the candidates can cancel the test.
7. Set the capacity – Define the number of candidates that can be in the testing session. 
8. Click on the “Save” button to create a session.

9.Click on the “Cancel” button to cancel the action.


Editing common session

To access and preview a common session:
1. Choose desired testing location.
2. Click on the “Calendar” icon.

A new table will appear below and you can preview the testing schedule for the desired location by months, weeks, and days.

To edit common session:
1. Click on the “List” button.
2. Then click on “Edit Testing location”.

The new pop-up window will show up, where you should :

  1. Edit the session name.
  2. Edit the additional instructions.
  3. Edit the start date.
  4. Edit the end date.
  5. Edit the booking deadline.
  6. Edit the cancelation deadline.
  7. Edit the capacity.
  8. Click on the “Save” button to create a session.
  9. Click on the “Cancel” button to cancel the action.

Assigning proctors

To assign proctors for a common session, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “List” option to see a list of scheduled testing sessions for the chosen location.
  2. Click on the “View assigned proctors” button.

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