How to create and add certificates to a test

This article explains how to create and add certificates to a test. Candidates are awarded certificates when they successfully complete the test.

Creating a certificate

To access the page for managing certificates, click on “Tests” in the main menu, and select “Manage certificates”.

To create a new certificate, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “New certificate” button.

  2. Title“- Add a title/name to your certificate. Could be the name of the certification program, exam, level of the test, etc.
  3. Subtitle“- Add optional subtitles/description to your certificate.
  4. Company’s name“- Enter the name of the company that issues the certificate.
  5. Choose certificate style and orientation (Portrait, Landscape, Rounded, Gold).
  6. Display score – tick this box if you would like to display the score achieved on the certificate.
  7. Display date of issue – tick this box if you would like to display the date when the certificate is issued.
  8. Display expiry date – tick this box if you would like to display the date when the certificate expires.
  9. Display unique ID – tick this box if you would like to display the certificate unique ID.
  10. Display default logos.
  11. Upload or remove the certificate background.
  12. Upload or remove your logo.
  13. Upload or remove the company’s logo.
  14. Click the “Refresh preview” button to view changes.
  15. Click the “Save” button to save your certificate.
  16. Click the “Cancel” to discard changes.

Adding the certificate to the test

To assign a certificate to the test, follow the steps:

  1. Navigate to the “Certificate” tab in Test Creation Wizard (during test creation process).
  2. Click the “Add” button.

  3. Select a previously created certificate from the drop-down menu or create a new certificate (following the instructions above).
  4. Click the “Next” button to go to the next step of the test creation process.

For video instructions on how to design a certificate, you may watch this video.

For more related instructional materials, please visit:

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