The advantages of online testing

Employees are the backbone of companies worldwide, and it is crucial to test and evaluate employees consistently as it enables top performance.  It is also a requirement for the recruitment process.

The problem occurs when the testing has to be done at a specific location.

A large number of companies use only one facility for these kinds of activities, so employees located in different areas have to travel to that specific place to take the tests. In many industries, these evaluations happen more than once a year.

This option is not very cost-effective and creates several obstacles for both companies and employees

Here is an example of solving this type of problem by switching to online testing and evaluation.


Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)


OPP used to require an ATS certificate from their police candidates as a part of their application process.

ATS Testing Inc is the only company licensed by the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) to conduct the required testing for police candidates. Even though they deliver testing in various province locations, they only travel as far north as Thunder Bay. They provide testing there biannually.

It is a real challenge for the candidates in Northern Ontario that have to travel to Thunder Bay to obtain certification. On top of that, they have to do that twice! The PREP is only valid for six months.

The total investment for one trip for the initial testing is $1.677,93 + meals. Each time they need to renew their PREP test, they still incur the base cost above.

So, it’s no surprise that OPP removed the ATS testing from their application process. But they didn’t entirely solve their problem. They still need to come up with a new way to do their testing while maintaining the golden standard.

Their solution was an online testing method, called “In-House Testing.” In this way, candidates wouldn’t have to travel, and OPP can save a lot of time and money. The issue with this is that OPP needs to come up with online tests that will be complex enough to produce the same quality as the ATS testing.

Another issue that can occur is that they can experience an application “boom.” The downside is a significant increase in the number of candidates who apply, which can lead to vast piles of applications waiting to be processed.

An opposite problem can happen, as well. A decrease in the number of candidates because of what happens if they don’t get accepted in OPP. To have a career in the police, they will need to complete the ATS testing. That means that some of the potential candidates won’t apply at OPP.

One of the possibilities is to have ATS Testing Inc. create an online testing platform where candidates living in remote locations such as Northern Ontario, can take the tests from their homes. In that way, OPP could keep its partnership with ATP and maintain its level of suitable and qualified applicants. A completely win-win situation for everyone!




Various companies are facing the same problem. Online testing and evaluation is the inevitable future. Even though the solution is visible, it’s not an easy task to find a way to implement it. For some companies, it’s challenging to create an online platform and not have substantial financial costs.

Software such as YouTestMe can help you with starting your transition to the online way of testing.