Our application has a built-in calculator as well as a note part in the test-taking window. Note part is where the links to materials will be presented to candidates, but below the instructions, they can add whatever they want, and once saved, it will be presented in that window through the entire test.
To see how to enable the note part in the test-taking window, please watch this video.
Also, please check this article to see how to create a simple test.
https://www.youtestme.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/logo-youtest.png00Aleksandra Josichttps://www.youtestme.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/logo-youtest.pngAleksandra Josic2021-04-11 16:42:112021-05-29 11:39:49Can we provide resources and calculator to the students during the exam?